Managed by the DAV College Trust and Management Society, New Delhi

Principal Message  

Dear Parents,

At the very outset, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for reposing your trust in the DAV Management. I assure you that we shall have no stone unturned to shape the integral personality of your wards by providing quality education to them.

At the same time, they will get exposed to conducive and vibrant environment in the school in which their inherent capability and potential will come to the fore. I strongly believe that there is a brilliant student locked inside every child. The school provides ample opportunities to each child to participate in games, sports and co-curricular activities which play an instrumental role to develop all-round personality of the child.

There can be no two opinions about the fact that education is panacea to all evils in the society. In order to fight and eradicate the evils which are eating to the vitals and Indian Society, education is the best weapon in our hands. It is for this reason that excellence in education is the mission of DAV and to fulfil this commitment, both the Teachers and the Parents have to join hands together. Our students cannot achieve excellence in academics unless we get support of the parents. It would not be out of place to mention that out of 24 hours, students spend only 6 hours in the campus of the school and the rest 18 hours they have to spend at home. This is the reason that monitoring of the activities of the children at home determines their success.

I would like to recall Mahatma Gandhi when he said, “Man is known by his company”. So, the parents are requested to see that their children must join good company. If they join bad company or remain surrounded by friends who have deviated from the right path and cultivated bad habits, it will certainly have negative impact on the personality of the child.

As such, the task of the making of the man becomes difficult for the school. Moreover, the young learners must be taught about the dire consequence of misusing technology because internet, smart phones, social media etc. are major hindrance in the path of the progress of the child.

All of us know it very well that rose is the most beautiful flower in the world, but it is a bitter truth that the rose blooms on thorns and thorns are symbol of pain and struggle. Therefore, the young learners should not succumb to any kind of pressure in the face of adverse situation. Positive thinking, hard work and indomitable courage will help them to reach their destination and achieve the goal in life. I am pretty sure that the outstanding achievements of your wards will make us proud and under the care and guidance of trained and dedicated team of teachers of DAV Centenary Public School, Rohtak, our students will be at the helm of affairs in different fields in the ensuing days. Simultaneously, after passing out from the portal of the school, they will be knowledgeable, responsible and ideal citizens of the country.

I have every reason to believe that they will contribute a good deal to the development of family, society and nation as well.

"The quality of Nation is determined by the quality of Education in the Country"


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